
In the first post of this three part series I had us look at government, the way we organize ourselves, as a power structure and then contrasted our current system of “Government of the People (only White Males), for the People (only White Males, by the People (only White Males)” with the possibility of a true Multicultural power structure – a system that has been repeatedly offered and rejected in the history of the United States and is once again presenting itself as a viable option.

     I also spoke of the need for a functioning model, not just a theoretical model and suggested that the Bahá’í Faith was such a working model with over one hundred years of functioning on a global scale. As such a system of organization it deserves a serious and thoughtful consideration.

     Here in Part Two I’d like to consider the impact of the current state of the media in what we call Western Civilization, and the loss of trust that it has engendered. More importantly, we must consider the ongoing societal changes in Racial Unity, and Gender Equality. In this section, like the first, I’ll present the Bahá’í Faith as a model of a functioning alternative to Western Democracy, which is in fact a semi-democratic, at best, and , mostly plutocracy (government by the wealthy), at worst and uncaring unfettered capitalism, which has existed since the early to mid-eighteen hundreds. I believe that the model of the Bahá’í Faith stands up well in comparison to current day choices.

The Media

In 1972, Walter Cronkite was voted “the Most Trusted Man in America,” due to his general objectivity in reporting the news. He was the anchor of the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite for nineteen years, from 1962 – 1981. In reference to the war in Vietnam, President Lyndon B. Johnson stated, “If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost Middle America.”

The end of an Era

     Johnson did lose Cronkite and we’ve lost his objectivity that figured so prominently in his presentation of the news. For the most part, objectivity was lost when parent companies such as Fox and CBS blurred the lines between their news divisions and their entertainment divisions. The line that got blurred was the line between being a cost center versus a profit center.

     For those who don’t know the difference, a simple explanation is that a profit center is a group, division, department, whatever you wish to call it, that is designed to make a profit. This is where a company makes its money. A cost center is a group that isn’t designed to make a profit, it is a division that costs the company money but is necessary to the operation of the company. As long as the profit centers of a company are making a good ROI (Return On Investment) that company can justify the expenses of one or more Cost Centers. But, when a company isn’t making acceptable returns, or when the board of directors and/or the managing team gets greedy and wants more, then they begin to look at ways to either increase the return they get from the profit centers and/or they begin to slash the cost centers.

     In the case of news, once-a-upon-a-time, some bright-eyed young advertising executive must have said something like, “Maybe we can make the news more entertaining. That will raise viewership and then we can charge more for ads placed during the news hour.” As it happened the way to make it more entertaining involved several actions such as identifying the audience and then broadcasting to their likes, dislikes, beliefs, etc., which in essence created “personalities,” and “personality cults.” The older “Attempt to educate them to the reality of the news,” maxim was now dead. What arose was “confirm what they already believe.” Now the audience is open to gradual manipulation to the will of the advertizer.

How TV & Radio makes money & personalities

So, just to recap, if a news organization can increase its ratings, then it can command a higher cost for advertising. The advertisers believe they can sell more of their products during the ‘show’ in question. The outcome is that the TV company makes more money and so do the advertisers, because more audience members buy the products ‘bringing you the show.’

     Bahá’u’lláh teaches that a person should always exercise an independent attitude when investigating the truth. If you do, it becomes fairly easy to differentiate truth from falsehood. One news outlet reports that the sky is green and so I go outside and look, and sure enough the sky is blue. Obviously, the news outlet is wrong. And, yet thousands of people will tell me that the sky is green because their source of news told them it was green, and that the other news programs were attempting to cover up that fact.

     I could give you real examples, however, if I did that it might appear that I am engaging in partisan politics and if I did that I would instantly lose half my audience and I wouldn’t be building trust, but would be fostering division. Suffice it to say if one partisan side tells you that person X or group X is saying Z and yet you never ever hear that person or group say Z then probably the first partisan side is simply making it up to satisfy their base of supporters.

What to do?

     What is needed to rectify this is probably very complex, however, even the longest road begins with one halting step, and I’d suggest beginning with four small(ish) steps to set out.

#1: confine all but truly “Breaking News” to a specific period of time such as news hours as in the past. Maybe three or four of them a day. True breaking news can interrupt the regular broadcast to report on an imminent situation, but then the use of the banner “Breaking News” shouldn’t be applied to the same story for the next three or four hours which is what is currently done.

#2: limit the number of pundit talk shows, and require that the hosts and guests have actual credentials in the subjects of the show, and not just an opinion or a book to sell. Even US Senators and Congressmen shouldn’t represent subjects that they don’t understand. If someone is to comment on Foreign Affairs they need to have graduate level degrees and seats on the Foreign Affairs committees rather than just having come back from a two week junket” overseas to six countries, where the foreign governments wined and dined you, controlled your time, those you could speak to and the trips “in-country” that you could travel. Think of it like one of those 7 days/6 nights European vacations to six countries, five hundred clicks of your camera and rushed bus rides down streets past sites that you never get out to see, and if you did, they hurried you back on the bus after fifteen minutes.

#3: get money out of news organizations. What I mean by that is to stop all advertising of all companies during the news hours. Let your entertainment division make the money with mind-numbing game shows, talent shows, dating couples, tiny house building, and naked survival shows. Make your news shows actually informative and facts based, not opinion based.

#4: bring back accountability in reporting and commentaries – libel and slander laws that apply equally to the person making the comments and the broadcast company putting that host on the air would be a great beginning. Legal punishments that include not only large fines, but also loss of licenses to broadcast for varying periods of time such as three months, six month, a year and permanently would put teeth into the libel and slander laws.

Ultimately, my suggested remedies are external forces attempting to make and regulate change when what is really needed is an internal reformation of the values and principles that drive the collective leadership of the news media industry. The true change must come from within rather than mandated from outside, though, for me, that shouldn’t negate the external use of law, guilt and justice.

Racial & Gender Equality:

When it comes to Racial and Gender Equality, as well as Racial Unity, the Bahá’í model presents both a set of foundational writings and comments and a history of supporting actions and behaviors. The three great authors of the Bahá’í message – the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá call the Bahá’í membership, and indeed all of humanity, to the belief that all humanity is equal in the sight of its Creator and therefore belief in God demands that each and every man, woman and child must respect and love each and every other man, woman and child. The Golden Rule, as it is called, isn’t a platitude to be uttered as lip service, but is the central and inescapable spiritual law of the Universe.

Many of today’s philosophies regarding race relations are grounded in the teachings of various ancient concepts of “us and them”. If you are one of “the human beings” you are one of us. If you are foreigners to this place you are “barbarians, outsiders, etc.” or one of “them.” In the case of gender, various ancient religions speak to how women should be seen, understand and treated, and outline a treatment that isn’t fair or just.

I have traditionally and frequently taken the position that it is difficult for a modern day religion such as the Catholic Church to change its treatment of women within its fold when the basis of that treatment must deal with statements from Saint Paul affirming the inferiority of women and his expectation that they will subjugate themselves to the commands of their husbands and/or male church leaders. 

14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

14:35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.                    King James Bible, 1 Corinthians

I don’t wish to attack the good that many churches have offered during the centuries of their existence, but only to point out the foundational flaw that, in my opinion limits their progressiveness towards complete gender equality.

As previously stated, the opposite is true of the foundational teachings of the Bahá’í Faith.

The short selection of quotes from these writings which appear below should serve as adequate examples to illustrate these points.

Racial Equality and the Need for Unity

O ye children of men! The fundamental purpose animating the Faith of God and His Religion is to safeguard the interests and promote the unity of the human race, and to foster the spirit of love and fellowship amongst men.

Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh

That all nations should become one in faith and all men as brothers; that the bonds of affection and unity between the sons of men should be strengthened; that diversity of religion should cease, and differences of race be annulled — what harm is there in this?… Yet so it shall be; these fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars shall pass away, and the ‘Most Great Peace’ shall come….

                   Bahá’u’lláh, The Proclamation of Bahá’u’lláh

“The unity of the human race, as envisaged by Bahá’u’lláh, implies the establishment of a world commonwealth in which all nations, races, creeds and classes are closely and permanently united, and in which the autonomy of its state members and personal freedom and initiative of the individuals that compose them are definitely and completely safeguarded.

                     Bahá’u’lláh, The Proclamation of Bahá’u’lláh

We work and pray for the unity of mankind, that all the races of the earth may become one race, all the countries one country, and that all hearts may beat as one heart, working together for perfect unity and brotherhood.

                             ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Paris Talks, p. 103

Strive with heart and soul in order to bring about union and harmony among the white and the black and prove thereby the unity of the Bahá’í world wherein distinction of color findeth no place, but where hearts only are considered. Praise be to God, the hearts of the friends are united and linked together, whether they be from the east or the west, from north or from south, whether they be German, French, Japanese, American, and whether they pertain to the white, the black, the red, the yellow or the brown race. Variations of color, of land and of race are of no importance in the Bahá’í Faith; on the contrary, Bahá’í unity overcometh them all and doeth away with all these fancies and imaginations.

O thou who hast an illumined heart! Thou art even as the pupil of the eye, the very wellspring of the light, for God’s love hath cast its rays upon thine inmost being and thou hast turned thy face toward the Kingdom of thy Lord.

Intense is the hatred, in America, between black and white, but my hope is that the power of the Kingdom will bind these two in friendship, and serve them as a healing balm.

Let them look not upon a man’s color but upon his heart. If the heart be filled with light, that man is nigh unto the threshold of his Lord; but if not, that man is careless of his Lord, be he white or be he black.

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of Abdu’l-Bahá

It is certain that the greatest of instrumentalities for achieving the advancement and the glory of man, the supreme agency for the enlightenment and the redemption of the world, is love and fellowship and unity among all the members of the human race. Nothing can be effected in the world, not even conceivably, without unity and agreement

             ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Secret of Divine Civilization

Gender Equality

The words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

People are divided into two classes concerning this question. Some believe that man is the greater and preferable member of the body politic, that he is created with certain superior virtues, and that woman, however great may be her attainment, can never reach man’s level, because she is not endowed with equal faculties. At present the majority is of this class. The other class, now representing the minority, but which ere long may become the majority, is of the opinion that perfect equality already exists. Those who are of this minority declare, first, that God is just, and justice demands an equal distribution of good gifts. They reason logically that it would be tyranny for God to show partiality, and the Lord is free from tyranny. They declare, secondly, that both man and woman being human all faculties and powers should be shared in common; that since creationally one sex has not been shown preference over the other we should not make a distinction that God has not created. They declare, thirdly, that though in all forms of life there is a distinction of gender yet there is perfect equality between the male and the female, even in the vegetable kingdom, wherein there is no conscious knowledge. The male animal does not assert any supposed superiority, nor is there any fight for “suffrage.” Then why should man show such injustice, considering that he is of a higher creation, endowed with reason, informed of the justice of God, and capable of discovering realities. God has created man and woman equal — for both are human — yet there are those who claim superiority of man.

In the world of phenomena the co-ordinate elements of male and female may be compared to the two eyes of man. Should one eye be defective undoubtedly the sight of the other eye would be affected, because sympathetic co-operation is necessary for complete usefulness. Unless both eyes are normal the visual process cannot be perfect. Similarly, until man and woman attain the realization of co-equality the progress of the world will be hindered.

The world of humanity is possessed of two wings. One wing is represented by man, the other by woman. When one wing of a bird is defective its flight is hindered, but when both wings are equal in strength and capability then the flight of the bird is made easy. Likewise, in the world of humanity, when its two members shall enjoy equal rights then the body politic will wing its way onward and upward.

The great educator of man is woman, for it is the mother who is the first teacher. If the mother be deficient in her attainments, if the teacher be illiterate, how can the pupil be perfect? Therefore the teacher must be well qualified that the pupil may be equally qualified. Then how can man assert that his first educator, the loving mother who gave him his first training, is deficient in qualities that make a human being perfect? What ignorance and injustice it is that the mother should rear and educate the child, passing many weary days and sleepless nights laboring and caring for him until he reaches the age of maturity, only to hear him declare: “O mother, you are imperfect, whereas I am perfect. You are weak, whereas I am mighty. You are deficient mentally, whereas I am equipped intellectually. I possess capabilities whereof you are deficient. I am superior to you. I am nobler than you.” Is this a just compensation for all the labor and tender care given him? What ignorance, what manifest wrong and oppression that a man should thus imagine his own mother to be imperfect and incapable after twenty years of care and service!

In the world of humanity the most productive and useful member, after all, is woman, for it is woman who educates man, not the reverse. She rears the children; she cares for the home upon which the body politic is founded; she gives birth to mighty leaders. Therefore the right of woman is truly great. Man, on the contrary, does not endure a great deal of hardship. His sleep is not disturbed by night, nor is his attention distracted by day, for as far as the children are concerned the father is quite carefree. It is only when they are mature and no longer troublesome that the father revels in their companionship. Hence it is the duty of man to be most grateful to womankind, saying: “O women, O mothers, how kind and tender have you been toward us! By your aid have we been able to reach maturity. Verily, never can we be sufficiently thankful unto you.” Regardless of this, when woman demands her rights she is refused, man claiming that in brain efficiency, susceptibility and mental balance she is deficient, and consequently is inferior to him. When asked how he arrives at this conclusion, the only practical and tangible reason he offers is that the weight of her brain is somewhat less than his. However, this argument is not in accordance with facts, since the history of brain efficiency shows that large brains and large heads are not necessarily indicative of intelligence, because the greatest intelligence has often been found in rather small brains and very small heads. If the weight of the brain and the size of the skull were indicative of brain efficiency, then verily the donkey would be more brainy than man!

Brain power is not dependent upon the size of the skull or upon its contents, but upon the character of the convolutions of the brain. The brilliancy of electric light is not dependent upon the lamp, but upon the character of the electric energy. Likewise, the power of mind is not dependent upon the size and weight of the brain, but upon the faculty that operates through it.

It must be admitted that in the past woman has not had the same educational opportunities that man has received, but when she is given equal advantages undoubtedly she will become his peer in knowledge and attainments.

Another objection to the claim of equality advanced by man is that woman has not played the part of valor on the battle-field, and that she has not wielded a sword, nor carried a gun, nor has she ever been a builder of cannon. However, capability in this direction is ferocity, and a lack thereof is not a deficiency. If such capability be courage, then verily the wolf is a most courageous animal, because its ferocity is great indeed. But true courage is not dependent upon an exhibition of ferocity, upon the shedding of blood. On the contrary, it is dependent upon perception, reason, knowledge, attainment, perfection. Therefore lack of ferocity in woman is not an indication of deficiency in courage. In fact, history proves that there have been women who on the battle-field have even surpassed men in point of valor.

Among famous women of history was Zenobia, who, as you well know, was queen of Palmyra in the East. Her conquest of Egypt and her growing power alarmed Aurelian, the Roman Emperor, and he sent one of his generals to check her advance. Zenobia proved her valor by appearing in military uniform at the head of her forces and leading them to victory, causing the Roman army to retreat into Europe. Finally Aurelian decided to subdue her himself, but in his first attempt he was not successful. It was only after a long siege of Palmyra that Zenobia was compelled to surrender. Eventually she was taken a captive to Rome, where she figured conspicuously in the triumphal procession of Aurelian. Bound by golden chains and loaded with jewels, she staggered on foot before the emperor in his magnificent chariot. The array of elephants, tigers, lions, bears, wolves, monkeys, etc., that had preceded her were intended to humiliate her but at the same time to symbolize her valorous character. In point of courage she was compared to the lions and tigers, and because of her cunning and strategy she was likened to the wolves and the monkeys, and so on. Above all, the emperor sought to show how great he had been in taking such a valiant and powerful antagonist. Aurelian ruled virtually half the world, yet for two years Zenobia had defied the power of Rome. Had she been sovereign over as many countries as was Aurelian, what would she not have accomplished through such fortitude and ambition.

Among the heroic women of history was also Catherine of Russia, and had it not been for her the Russian sovereignty would have been entirely effaced and Peter the Great would have been defeated. This woman, through her great shrewdness and valor, protected her realm, and was the cause of its advancement. History bears testimony to the fact that she was a great reformer.

Another was Cleopatra who by reason of her cunning and cleverness frustrated the plans of a Roman Emperor.

Still another was Esther, a woman renowned among the Israelites, a woman of great sagacity, who really restored the glory of Israel.

Among the noteworthy women of the world was Mary Magdalene. After the crucifixion of His Holiness Christ the disciples were greatly agitated, but Mary Magdalene, that noble and spiritual woman, confirmed their faith. She served the cause of Christ with such devotion that her name will never be forgotten.

There have been many women in Persia who have been eloquent, courageous and long-suffering in the support of the Bahai cause. Among them was the famous Kurat-ul-Ayn, a most scholarly woman belonging to the ecclesiastical class. She proclaimed the cause of woman with unshakable courage, withstanding the oppression of the Shah of Persia and of the ulama. Finally she was martyred, but to her last breath she was eloquent and fearless in defending her faith. There are a number of her type to-day, all courageous, mighty women among men. One is known as Rouhani, another as the “Greatest Holy Leaf.”

History proves that woman is not deficient, but is indeed the equal of man when afforded equal opportunity. When given the same education as man, she proves most capable, and her susceptibilities, which are keen, reveal themselves, for her perceptions are acute, her intelligence is great, and all her mental faculties are strong. Especially under difficulties and ordeals is woman more patient and long-suffering. When a father dies, leaving five children for the poor mother to rear, she patiently does it, educating them, and giving them that which no other creature can give — the affection peculiar to her mother nature. But in the reverse case it is very seldom that a father performs those duties, and in most instances the children become as orphans and the home is disrupted; but a mother would care for them, guarding them until they had reached maturity, and would give them that which a father could not give. Woman, in rendering such worthy service to humanity, often endures the greatest hardship. Therefore man should be exceedingly grateful to her, and should not claim superiority. This is an injustice that is soon to pass away.

                             Ella Cooper, Ella Cooper’s Notes

The Notes she wrote, universally known as Pilgrim’s Notes were her recorded notes of talks given by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. One should realize that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the head of the Bahá’í religion is singing the praises of women throughout history in their roles of keeping faith and civilization alive and flourishing. He could have spoken of men, however, he wanted to praise the role of women which often-times gets lost to history.

It is also worth mentioning something of Ella Goodall Cooper to put the above selection from her notes into perspective.

Ella was among a very select group of early Bahá’ís of the United States at the turn of the 20th Century, 1899-1900, who heard a spiritual call and travelled across the globe to seek its source. This group primarily consisted of a number of young women who embraced the Bahá’í message and consecrated their lives to its service. Such was the strength of its spiritual pull that Ella and her like determined to travel across the globe to visit ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the son of Bahá’u’lláh, still imprisoned in the fortress prison city of ‘Akká, Palestine as a religious/political prisoner of the Ottoman Turk Sultan.

One can only imagine the strength of spiritual character of these early believers who travelled for months to cross two oceans and two continents to see a man they knew only by reputation and then travel home again to dedicate their lives to his service and the spiritual message he espoused. Ella was also one of only a few believers to be honored with multiple letters from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, praising her services and providing her with guidance. Given Ella’s unique position, I believe that we can consider her to be a reliable reporter of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s words and thoughts, even if only the gust of his teachings. She would have repeatedly heard the general themes that ran through his public talks and private conversations and so would have had the opportunity to have these ingrained in her memory. Further, as confirmation of her reporting and the accuracy of these themes, other early Bahá’ís reported the same themes topics and concepts.

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