An Interview with Morris Taylor

Conversations on Race December 12, 2021 In September of 1990, I moved to Evanston, Illinois to accept a job at the Bahá’í Publishing Trust of the United States. That was the year that I met Morris Taylor. I left Evanston in August 1995 to accept the position of general manager...

Re-establishing Trust, part 3

In this, the last of this three part series entitled Re-establishing Trust I want to offer a brief comment on justice, specifically its relationship with love and unity, then reflect a moment on a conversation held in 1892, between Professor Edward G. Browne of Cambridge University and Bahá’u’lláh, the founder...

Re-establishing Trust, part 2

Introduction: In the first post of this three part series I had us look at government, the way we organize ourselves, as a power structure and then contrasted our current system of “Government of the People (only White Males), for the People (only White Males, by the People (only White...

Seeing Heaven in the Face of Black Men

Last month I announced a new feature on the Unifier. Beginning with this post I hope to present monthly book reviews, beginning with the few books that I offer on the Shopping side of this blog site. From there we can branch out to other titles dealing with the categories...

Re-establishing Trust, part 1

This will be a series of three posts regarding my thoughts on reestablishing trust in our society. After a brief introduction, in this post, we will look at the American history of Government “of,” “for,” and “by” the White Male. We’ll touch on the lost opportunities of creating a Multi-cultural...

We’re all one Family

I’ve been a believer in one human family since I was a young boy, but it was only recently that I came to realize the impact of the concept.      My father was my original example. He was sixteen years old when the Japanese attacked the U.S. Navel base at...

Peace & Tranquility

In our mental images of the word “peace” we should accept multiple variations of the word, the concept and it’s reality. One of these variations is personal, internal, as in, “I just want peace and quiet.” While strolling through a park we might say “This is very peaceful.” Another manifestation...

Are there multiple human species or only one?

My very flawed and human emotions constantly tell me that my next door neighbor and that guy I meet with on Zoom meetings are ignorant or downright stupid. I’m sure that you’ve heard at least one variation of the saying that goes something like this: “As I drive down the...

Old Testament vs. New Testament

I named this post “Old Testament vs. New Testament” because from my point of view these two set of religious books represent a true dichotomy of human nature. The contrast between them can be summed up by viewing the following two quotes. The first quote is from the book of...

Lack of Trust

If I had to briefly describe the prevailing emotions of people today I’d use words like, bewildered, impatient and angry. With no visible progress towards solving the problems of society, we have boiled everything down to one culprit, political partitionship and we apply the defining and dividing terms such as...