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Peace & Tranquility

In our mental images of the word “peace” we should accept multiple variations of the word, the concept and it’s...

Are there multiple human species or only one?

My very flawed and human emotions constantly tell me that my next door neighbor and that guy I meet with...

Old Testament vs. New Testament

I named this post “Old Testament vs. New Testament” because from my point of view these two set of religious...

Lack of Trust

If I had to briefly describe the prevailing emotions of people today I’d use words like, bewildered, impatient and angry....

Gender; the Wings of the Bird

In proclaiming the oneness of mankind He (Bahá’u’lláh) taught that men and women are equal in the sight of God...

Environmental Racism

Toxic Emissions According to long time environmental activist Peggy Shephard, co-founder and executive director of We Act, environmental racism is...