Posts filed under: Justice


Justice, also known as Fairness, can be divided into four major sub-categories – Punitive, Restorative, Distributive and Procedural. The best example is distributive. It asks the question of how the benefits of society should be divided among its citizens.

Justice in a multicultural society

One of the greatest problems faced by every human society is the administration of justice. In fact, one of the great difficulties of applying justice is that we don’t even have a common understanding of what is just.      Justice is variously defined by different people and theories as: Something...

Defining Justice

Justice As a beginning into the subject of Justice and Fairness, I’ve decided to use a quote, and it’s commentary, from my book, Ponder: Musings on the Art of Bahá’í Meditation. In brief there are four types of Justice that are discussed and written about by Lawyers and Law academics....