Posts filed under: One Human Family

One Human Family

One Human Family is a denial of belief in multiple races. It teaches that there is only a single race, the human race, or Homo sapien. One Human Family also means that that all people are included in that family – no one is excluded.

We’re all one Family

I’ve been a believer in one human family since I was a young boy, but it was only recently that I came to realize the impact of the concept.      My father was my original example. He was sixteen years old when the Japanese attacked the U.S. Navel base at...

Are there multiple human species or only one?

My very flawed and human emotions constantly tell me that my next door neighbor and that guy I meet with on Zoom meetings are ignorant or downright stupid. I’m sure that you’ve heard at least one variation of the saying that goes something like this: “As I drive down the...