Posts filed under: Bahá’í Faith

Bahá’í Faith

The Bahá’í Faith began in the Middle-East in 1844. It teaches that there is only one God and that He sends His representatives called Manifestations to humanity every 500 to 1,000 years instead of only once. This Divine system ensures that every group of humanity is contacted throughout history and enables God’s Message to be reminded and expanded with every new Manifestation. Bahá’u’lláh, meaning the “Glory of God,” is the latest, but not the last of these Manifestations. God’s message, through Bahá’u’lláh, for this day is the unity of humanity.

Re-establishing Trust, part 3

In this, the last of this three part series entitled Re-establishing Trust I want to offer a brief comment on justice, specifically its relationship with love and unity, then reflect a moment on a conversation held in 1892, between Professor Edward G. Browne of Cambridge University and Bahá’u’lláh, the founder...

Re-establishing Trust, part 2

Introduction: In the first post of this three part series I had us look at government, the way we organize ourselves, as a power structure and then contrasted our current system of “Government of the People (only White Males), for the People (only White Males, by the People (only White...

Re-establishing Trust, part 1

This will be a series of three posts regarding my thoughts on reestablishing trust in our society. After a brief introduction, in this post, we will look at the American history of Government “of,” “for,” and “by” the White Male. We’ll touch on the lost opportunities of creating a Multi-cultural...

Lack of Trust

If I had to briefly describe the prevailing emotions of people today I’d use words like, bewildered, impatient and angry. With no visible progress towards solving the problems of society, we have boiled everything down to one culprit, political partitionship and we apply the defining and dividing terms such as...